What Can Outspend China's Military?

The Chinese regime unveiled its defense budget yesterday (March 5) during the opening of the 12th National People’s Congress. It will increase by more than 10% to 114 billion dollars.

But the domestic security budget under the Political and Legal Affairs Committee will swell to almost 124 billion dollars.

Guangdong rights activists Chen Qitang believes that the budget is mostly for monitoring ordinary people.

[Chen Qitang, Guangdong Rights Activist]:
"[The government] monitors everybody. Even the ten-year-old daughter of Zhang Lin was arrested and detained by public security. Such big expense is needed. How can't they increase it? The situation now is like a pressure-cooker. When the pressure is too much, the government will release the gas a little bit. In fact, the core is not changed. The stability maintenance fee will be increased every year until the[CCP] falls from power. "

The internal security budget is the highest in the past three years.

[Li Tianxiao, NTD China Analyst]:
"[The draft budget] explains the unique phenomenon under the CCP's dictatorship. It also indicates that the CCP rule is very unstable. The inside of the CCP has already gone to the edge of collapse."

Most recently, police forces have surrounded the village of Shangpu in Guangdong Province. Villagers there blockaded the central square and called for democratic elections to protest corrupt land dealings by their local party secretary.


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